Q: How can I book the course with this company?
A: You can book one of our courses online via the “Online Booking” tab on our website or by calling us on 0208 144 1898, 0207 193 7669, 0203 239 1727 or 0161 818 7464.
Q: How can I pay for a course?
A: You can pay using your debit/credit card or by paypal account via our “Online Booking” part on our website. Alternatively, you can pay over the phone or visit our office and book your course. We also accept cash or check payments made out in our company.
Q: Can I pay on the day for my course?
A: All course places are subject to availability. To ensure your place, full payment is required before the start of your course. However, if you prefer, we can take a deposit when you book and then you can pay off the balance on the day of your course.
Q: Do I need to bring ID documents when I attend a course?
A: We require a form of ID for all our candidates when booking courses with us. We are obligated by our Awarding Bodies to ensure all those who are attending SIA courses, submit the following upon arrival:
Two passport size photos
Original passport of any nationality or UK photo drivers license
Two forms of proof of address (originals)
Please check your email for full joining instructions as a range of other documents can be accepted. All documents will be returned to you on the spot.
Q: How long will it take to receive my results and certificate?
A: Results and certificates will be ready within a week however; this can vary from course to course.
Q: If I lost my certificate what should I do?
A: You can claim a replacement certificate however there will be a fee for it.
Q: How do I apply for a SIA license?
A: Free guidance and consultancy is exclusively available to all those training with us. This is a service we provide to anyone who has gained their SIA qualifications through us and we will also assist in finding you a job in the field too.